We would love to keep you updated about our work and upcoming events.
Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board
We work together to make Sheffield fairer and healthier and we'd love you to get involved.
Meet our members
Board members represent lots of different organisations and sectors in Sheffield. Hear about who we are and what it’s like to be part of the board and what we do.
Our mission
Sheffield is a great city, but there are some big, unfair gaps in length and quality of life that we need to face up to and tackle together. Find out about our plan to make things fairer, the essential building blocks for creating more health and wellbeing, and how we need to work together differently to make it happen.

The current picture
We bring together data and people's stories to understand what's going well and what the big issues are for health and wellbeing in the city. Come and hear more and explore the data.

What matters to you?
We really want to hear what you think is most important for health and fairness in Sheffield. Get in touch, or join one of our meetings to share your thoughts.