
A lot of work is already being done to make Sheffield fairer and healthier, but there’s still much more to do. 

To make this plan happen, everyone in Sheffield needs to work together and do their part. No single group, organisation, or community can do it alone.

What the Health and Wellbeing Board is going to do

The Health and Wellbeing Board has chosen five key areas to focus on between September 2024 and May 2025. These are the areas where we believe we can make the most impact and build on the work around the eight building blocks and four big changes. We will focus on these priorities in our Board meetings and other events we organise this year. In May 2025, we’ll review our progress and plan the next steps

Our priorities for September 2024 to May 2025:

Build strong relationships and a sense of belonging in communities, and empower people to work together and take action

Provide good working conditions for everyone

Listen to and involve groups of people who have the most difficulty accessing NHS and Social Care services

Make sure everyone has a decent, affordable home

Plan NHS and Social Care services and develop the workforce to meet current and future needs


What organisations and businesses can do

  • Decide if you want to be part of this city-wide mission for a fairer and healthier Sheffield 
  • Look at the building blocks and radical shifts to see where you are already contributing and where you could do more.
  • Challenge yourself to think about how you can contribute – as an employer, a purchaser of good and services, a provider of goods and services, an owner of land and other assets, a producer of waste, and by working in partnership with other organisations and with communities
  • Make some public commitments to action and be accountable for delivering on these promises

What people who live in Sheffield can do

  • Talk about this plan with your friends, family, neighbours, and co-workers so that more people in Sheffield know about it.
  • Get more involved in your local community – support your neighbours, join a group or activity, work with others to make changes where you live and call for action from organisations in the city like the council or the NHS or businesses
  • Explore ways you could volunteer
  • Encourage your employer to get involved in making this plan happen
  • Talk to your local councillor about the changes you want to see in your community and the city 
  • Come to Health and Wellbeing Board meetings and events and share your views
  • Get in touch with us directly with your thoughts and ideas